Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here we go!

I've been encouraged to begin this blog to keep account of what God has been doing in my life.

So here I am.

The journey began some time ago.

Actually, Dan and I got married almost 15 years ago.
When we talked about having children I said I wanted three or four.
I had one sibling growing up and only part of the time.
Dan, coming from a family of four children, said, 'What? Three or four kids? There won't be any food in the house!'

I wasn't too worried about food.
I was thinking eternal beings. Children that are a gift from the Lord.

Fast forward.

We were married 3 years when our first treasure came.
Within five years, all four of our little lambs had been born.
Three girls and a boy. We were done!

So we thought.

He went just after the fourth one was born and had a vasectomy.
Everyone said that was a great idea because we have so many children already. We thought our family was big and we didn't want any more.

We are so blessed! I love these guys so much.
They are such a joy. I never imagined that I would be a stay-home mom
of four wonderful people that I get to home school too!
I love it!

Fast forward again.

Two years ago, my husband had a huge heart change.

With the Lord.

He was no longer a 'Sunday Christian' that faithfully attended church but looked no different from the world during the week.
Suddenly he had a hunger and thirst for God and His word that I had never seen before!
His whole attitude changed in every aspect of his life.
He has always been a likable guy but now...

Now he is so on FIRE it is amazing to see!
He has become more of a man.
My respect and admiration for him only continues to grow.
Just when I think I can't be any more attracted to him, I suddenly realize...
I am!
What makes him so much more attractive?
It's the Light of Jesus reflecting from his life!

It's amazing!

Can you tell I'm excited about all of this?

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